Hair Transplant Surgery Women

Hair Transplant Surgery Women

Hair Transplant Surgery Women

Hair is one of our body’s most critical parts if we want to make a good impression on someone. And sometimes, balding and receding hairline might break the magic for everyone. Thanks to technology and doctors, receding hairline and bald parts can be fixed with a simple hair transplant surgery. Women hair transplant surgery needs a little more caution than men’s because of women’s hair’s nature. Almost 50% of the men and women have a receding hairline or balding worldwide but again, no need to be afraid of those problems any more thanks to hair transplant surgery.

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Work?

The answer is short, yes. Even though women hair transplant surgeries need more caution, they still work fine. Almost all of the hair transplant surgeries do wonders up to 80% chance. It is a very high number for the results you may expect. Sometimes some of the hair roots that have been planted may not grow, but it is expected since they are not natural and need more time to be adjusted but knowing that hair transplant only works with your own hair roots will help you. If you do not have any healthy hair roots left, hair transplant surgery might not work for you. It is why women hair transplant is more challenging than men’s. Women’s receding hairline sometimes takes a big part of the head, and there are no healthy roots left. In those cases, a hair transplant might not work.

How Much Does Hair Transplant Surgery Cost?

The cost of women hair transplant surgery depends on the customers need. The factors of the client’s cause the higher or lower price range. If a client’s balding part is not a big area, then the price might be lower, or if the client has enough healthy hair roots that doctors need to do the hair transplant surgery, it might lower the cost.

How Does Women Hair Transplant Work?

It is the same with men’s hair transplant. Simply the operator takes hair from your back of the head and puts it in the balding areas. Sometimes it gets more complicated for women since they might not have healthy roots in the back of their heads. In those times, healthy hair can be taken from other parts of your body. There are some different technics like FUE, DHI, FUT, and more. Your doctor will decide on which technics to use. You do not need to worry about it since the operator will choose the best one for you.

Side Effects Of Hair Transplant Surgery

By taking good care after the surgery, almost all of the side effects can be avoided except scarring. Possible side effects are usually infections, bleeding, scalp pain or itching, dizziness, chest pain, headaches, feeling numb around the head’s parts, and still losing hair if your balding is continuing. Almost all of those side effects can be avoided with good care.

Why Is a Women Hair Transplant Different From Men’s?

The nature of women’s hair causes it. Even if there is some hair, those roots might still fall off after a hair transplant surgery in the areas that are not balding. That is why women hair transplant is sometimes harder than men’s. Sometimes, women might not be able to use this surgery to get rid of baldness due to unhealthy hair roots. For men, the balding action occurs in the front of the head and spread to behind areas but for women, the balding starts in the middle of the head, and it is usually spreading everywhere even if it does not look like it. So, knowing your problem in the first place will help you more before seeing a professor. According to some research, almost a maximum 10 percentage of women can benefit from women’s hair transplant surgery, but with the still-developing technology, the chances will get higher.

Suppose you are affected by baldness due to old age, losing hair but not because of hormonal effects. In that case, you have a naturally high hairline, or if you are suffering from trichotillomania and losing hair, you can benefit from women hair transplant.

Advantages of Women Hair Transplant

Since usually, women have longer hair than men, the planted hair of a client will look much more natural. Less time-consuming operations will help you continue your life while getting your hair transplant done. FUE and DHI operations usually take no longer than a few weeks even though the full recovery might take longer, like 12 months to 18 months. Also, the women hair transplant procedure is simple and inherently painless. Since the women hair transplant surgery uses the client’s hair, the client’s new hair will be acting the same before the client had a process after the operation, which means that the client will have the same hair type after the surgery.

Finally, since the hair transplant operation’s results are permanent, the client will no longer need a process again as long as things go according to the plan. It will also help a lot mentally. The client will have more self-confidence due to fixing a part which they didn’t like before.

What To Do After a Women Hair Transplant Operation?

Your doctor will supply you the specific instructions, but there are some that every client should follow. Do not forget that whatever happens, always try to follow your doctor’s instructions. Try brushing your hair more kindly for a while. If you notice some swelling on your scalp, you can apply ice to reduce it. It would help if you held your head slightly higher than usual while sleeping since it will help the healing process and decrease the pain. Do not forget to take the medicines your doctor gave you since they will have a significant place in recovery. Just like every other operation, getting a good rest will help you recover much faster. The most important one is avoiding demanding physical activities for a while since it might harm your newly planted hair.


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