How Much Is A Hair Transplant In Turkey

How Much Is A Hair Transplant In Turkey

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can have a significant impact on self-esteem and confidence, leading many to seek solutions such as hair transplant surgery. Turkey has become a popular destination for hair transplant surgery due to its affordable prices and high-quality services. In this article, we will explore how much a hair transplant in Turkey costs and what factors can affect the price.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one area of the scalp (the donor site) to another (the recipient site). The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours to complete, depending on the number of hair follicles being transplanted.

There are two main types of hair transplant procedures: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the donor site, while FUE involves removing individual hair follicles using a special tool.

How much does a hair transplant cost in Turkey?

The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey varies depending on several factors, including the number of grafts required, the type of procedure, the experience of the surgeon, and the location of the clinic. On average, the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey ranges from $1,500 to $3,500. This is significantly lower than the cost of the same procedure in countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom, where the cost can range from $4,000 to $15,000.

Factors that can affect the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey

  1. Number of grafts required

The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is often based on the number of grafts required. A graft is a group of one to four hairs that is transplanted as a single unit. The more grafts required, the higher the cost of the procedure.

  1. Type of procedure

The type of hair transplant procedure can also affect the cost. FUE is generally more expensive than FUT, as it is a more time-consuming procedure that requires more skill and experience.

  1. Experience of the surgeon

The experience and qualifications of the surgeon performing the procedure can also affect the cost. Highly experienced surgeons may charge more for their services than less experienced ones.

  1. Location of the clinic

The location of the clinic can also affect the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey. Clinics in larger cities or tourist destinations may charge more than those in smaller towns or less popular areas.

Additional costs to consider

In addition to the cost of the hair transplant procedure itself, there may be additional costs to consider. These can include:

  1. Travel and accommodation

If you are traveling to Turkey for a hair transplant, you will need to factor in the cost of travel and accommodation. This can vary depending on where you are traveling from and the type of accommodation you choose.

  1. Medication and aftercare

You may need to take medication after the procedure to prevent infection or promote healing. Additionally, you will need to follow a strict aftercare regimen to ensure the best possible results. These additional costs should be factored into your overall budget for the procedure.


If you are considering a hair transplant, Turkey can be an affordable and high-quality option. However, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable clinic with experienced surgeons. Be sure to factor in all costs, including travel and aftercare, when planning your budget for the procedure. With the right preparation and planning, a hair transplant in Istanbul can be a life-changing investment in your self-esteem and confidence.

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